The Smart Aloe Vera Supplement As Per Your Requirement

The acemannan serves as a building material in the joints, cartilages, tendons and ligaments, so that the aloe vera prevents the development of wear and tear diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis and can also be helpful in its treatment. The use of the acemannan supplement is essential there.

Amino acids in aloe vera

Aloe vera gel contains seven of the eight essential amino acids that have to be ingested through food since the human body cannot produce them itself. We would like to briefly introduce four of these energy sources:

  • Isoleucine helps build muscle and strengthens the immune system.
  • Leucine supports healing processes.
  • Valine strengthens the nerves so that stress can be better managed.
  • Lysine stimulates the formation of collagen, which gives our skin elasticity and slows down its aging process.

Enzymes in aloe vera

A whole range of enzymes has been found in aloe vera gel, e.g. B. amylase, phosphatase, catalase, cellulase and lipase. These enzymes help to ensure that sugars, proteins and fats from food can be digested and used in the best possible way and also have an antioxidant effect because they eliminate free radicals in the body.

Secondary plant substances in aloe vera

acemannan supplement

The secondary plant substances determine the taste, smell and color of plants. Although they only occur in small quantities, they are usually of great importance in the pharmacological sense.

For example, the aloe vera gel contains essential oils, saponins, tannins and salicylic acid, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and sterols, which can also naturally lower cholesterol levels. In contrast, anthraglycosides, which have a laxative effect, are found in the aloe vera juice. This also includes the active ingredient aloin, which we would now like to go into in more detail.

Aloe vera – one plant, two remedies

The leaf of Aloe vera consists of three layers: leaf bark, leaf juice and leaf pulp (gel). This means that two liquids can be obtained from the plant, but they have a very different effect – on the one hand, the aloe vera gel and on the other hand the aloe vera juice, which is also known as latex or resin.

Aloe vera juice works against constipation

The aloe vera juice is between the green leaf bark and the transparent gel. It then emerges as soon as a leaf is injured or cut off and contains the active ingredient aloin already mentioned. This is a vicious and very bitter-tasting substance that protects the aloe plant from predators.


Today, however, it is known that if the dosage is too high and if it is used for too long, it is harmful to health, which is why it is hardly used anymore. Possible consequences are an overexcitement of the intestinal mucosa, an exacerbation of the digestive problems up to symptoms of poisoning. Furthermore, aloin is suspected of being a cancer trigger. For the above reasons, according to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, the use as a laxative may only be used twice a week and for a maximum of 2 weeks. In the case of painful tears in the area of ​​the intestinal exit, hemorrhoids and after operations in the rectum area, the application of the aloe resin can be useful after consultation with the doctor.